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Not all disputes are resolved in the courthouse. Many are handled by an arbitrator or an administrative agency. In either setting, both the law and the procedures are quite different from those used in the courthouse.
The attorneys at Nickloy, Albright, Gordon, & Siebe have experience in representing clients in such venues. Over the years, we have handled and settled many arbitration matters such as construction disputes, shareholder claims, and contract claims.
We have represented many of our clients in legal matters before state agencies such as the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Department of Workforce Development, Indiana Civil Rights Commission, Indiana Department of Insurance, Workers Compensation Board, Indiana Securities Division, and Indiana Board for Proprietary Education.
We have even represented our clients in federal matters that were presented to the National Labor Relations Board, the EEOC, and the Social Security Administration.
A claim presented to an arbitrator or administrative agency can have an impact on a business or individual that is just as catastrophic or resolve rights as important as those presented to any court. But the rules are much different and the time for acting is normally much shorter. So, experienced representation is critical. We have that experience and would be glad to help deal with any problems our clients face in such forums.
We Can Settle Disputes Outside the Court
Call us today to schedule your consultation.
(317) 773-3030
1111 West Main St
Suite I
Greenfield , IN 46140
(317) 773-3030
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